Privacy Policy for "C Programs" Application:

Thank you for using C Programs! This privacy policy explains how we handle the information we collect and process when you use our application.

Collection of Personal Information

We want to reassure you that C Programs is designed to respect your privacy. We do not collect any personal information from our users. Our application does not require an internet connection, and as such, it does not collect any data from you.

Usage of Personal Information

Since we do not collect any personal information, there is no personal information to use. Your use of C Programs is entirely anonymous and does not contribute to any data collection.

Storage Permissions

We also want to emphasize that C Programs does not require any internal storage permissions. It operates solely within the app, providing you with access to a collection of C programs without the need to access or modify your device's internal storage.

Third-party Services

Our application does not integrate with any third-party services that might collect data from you. You can use C Programs with confidence, knowing that your data privacy is respected.

Changes to Privacy Policy

While we do not anticipate making any changes to this privacy policy, we reserve the right to update it in the future to reflect changes in our app's functionality or to comply with legal requirements. Any updates to the privacy policy will be reflected in this document.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policy, please feel free to contact us at

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